15 May The Surprisingly Harmful Effects of Milk
Got Milk? This is a slogan to promote healthy benefits of the popular school lunch drink. Yet, in an article in “Health & Healing” by Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D. shows the negative effects.
Cows milk is a species-specific food for calves. It is no more appropriate to drink the milk cows than it is to drink the milk of other mammals.
The first myth about milk is that it helps build strong ones. Milk and other dairy products actually weaken the bones and help to accelerate osteoporosis. Therefore it actually causes what it’s meant to prevent.
Osteoporosis is caused by calcium loss, not insufficient calcium intake. And dairy products, because of their high protein content , promote calcium loss. The way they promote calcium loss is the cow milk protein content is too high for humans to digest. the excess energy needed to digest this protein is taken from the calcium in our blood. Since the body must obtain optimal blood calcium balance the calcium must be restored via the bodies richest calcium source-our bones-thus resulting in calcium blood loss, a.k.a. osteoporosis.
While we have known that high fat dairy products, such as whole milk and cheese, are contributors to high cholesterol levels and heart disease, there is now evidence that nonfat milk is also a contributor to heart disease. Nonfat milk, which contains a large amount of dairy protein, is very low in B vitamins. The metabolism of this amount of protein in the absence of B vitamins contributes to the build up of homocysteine , which is the primary culprit in heart disease. This process injures the arteries, preventing the normal plaque removing process. it also causes the blood to thicken and stick to the artery walls. Recent studies have shown that folic acid lowers homocysteine levels thus decreasing chances of cardiovascular disease.
Milk has been thought of as necessary for growing children. This is not true. First, milk is the leading cause of iron deficiency-anemia in infants. Second, it has been shown that children consuming milk are more apt to develop type-1 diabetes. Certain proteins in milk resemble molecules on the beta cells of the pancreas that secrete insulin. This causes the immune system to make antibodies to the milk protein that mistakenly attack and destroy cells. Third, milk allergies are very common in children and cause constipation, sinus problems, fatigue, and diarrhea. They are a leading cause in ear infections, and asthma.
Milk consumption is now more dangerous than ever thanks to the FDA and the chemical giant, Monsanto Company. In 1994 the FDA approved the use of recumbinant bovine somatotropin (rBST), a genetically engineered hormone from Monsanto that increases milk production in cows by 10-20%. This milk contains elevated levels insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), one of the most powerful growth factors ever identified. IGF-1 stimulates the growth of cancer, and increases infections in the cow’s udders. Therefore, these cows are given more antibiotics, so higher traces of these drugs, as well as pus, and bacteria from infected udders, are found in their milk.
In my opinion, cow milk is not meant for human consumption. Think about it! What other species drink milk after it is weened?