
Uncategorized / 01.05.2019

Dear Healthcare Reform,According to consumer reports study released in the spring of 09’, on the treatment of back pain, consumers preferred manual care treatments over drugs and surgery. The number one choice of manual care by America consumers is chiropractic care. Don’t let bureaucratic prejudice...

Uncategorized / 17.04.2019

WHEN THE PAIN DOESN’T GO AWAY Knowing the difference between injuries such as tendonitis and muscle soreness can prevent disabling injuries and discouraging layoffs. Muscle soreness usually eases with exercise. Tendonitis can too, but often it will become worse, especially with the use of heavy weights...

Uncategorized / 10.04.2019

Asthmatics often live with the fear of having an attack that could leave them gasping for air at anytime during physical exercise. This is a high price to pay for a little physical activity. It’s the fear of such episodes that create what I call...

Uncategorized / 03.04.2019

My two favorite grains-cereals. They just happen to be high in protein low glycemic load (means very low effect on blood sugar spikes) These super foods are Quinoa and Oatmeal.Quinoa is a highly nutritious food and though considered a grain its really a seed. This...

Uncategorized / 13.03.2019

Healing is the profession that combines selfishness with selflessness.You will be chosen, and you will inspire confidence by virtue of how you live and what you are rather than what you say.As a healer you are useless to others if you cannot first heal yourself.For...